Environmentally sustainable design and development

As a small business we don't take for granted that our footprint is small, too. We are committed to measuring our emissions and to keep learning and making our company and our projects more sustainable, for the people and the environment. 


What we do already...



With regard to sustainable software development, our practice involves:

  • Optimising database and webserver connection speeds to reduce energy consumption

  • Optimising website page load speeds, media caching and API integrations to 3rd party tools such as Mailchimp, EventBrite, Vimeo, etc. to reduce server load and connectivity load to a minimum thereby keeping energy use to only the absolute necessary

  • Developing content management systems that stand the test of time whilst remaining functional to minimise maintenance and redevelopment

  • Develop using Open Source code and platforms allowing the team to maintain an optimal development pace indefinitely



We implement best practice sustainability internally through the reduction/avoidance of plastic packaging, separated rubbish recycling, eco-friendly cleaning products, optimised energy use and professional recycling/disposal of used electronics and toner ink.



For website hosting providers we only contract carbon neutral and ISO certified suppliers and for printed material, use only sustainably sourced paper (FSE certified) and vegetable-based inks.



SME Climate Commitment...

Looking to the future and recognising that climate change poses a threat to the economy, nature and society-at-large, we have also committed to:

  1. Halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
  2. Achieve net zero emissions before 2050
  3. Disclose our progress on a yearly basis

You can find out more about the commitment here:

Business Climate Hub 

SME Climate Committment (full text) 

SME Climate Hube logo