Cult X | Social Media Campaign Competition
Cult X | Social Media Campaign Competition
Problem: Cult X is a new Business arm for Cult Wines Investment. It is a new disrupter APP allowing individuals to invest incrementally in fine wine whilst being able to monitor and control their portfolio in real-time through the APP. The initial base Brand Design was developed in-house by CultX, but needed refinement for use in various brand touch points, the first being a social media campaign across channels in anticipation of the APP launch.
Solution: In short sprints, on-IDLE created multiple versions of each advert per social channel per wine (6x individual wine in the competition) to test with the client that the enhanced in-use brand direction is working. Adobe XD was the perfect platform to test animations and static assets easily and gather instant feedback from various stakeholders.
Highlight: To casually browse through Instagram and suddenly have the CultX competition pop-up in my stories feed – with a high volume of likes.
The CultX promotional video used as an inspiration for the development of the social media competition campaign concept:
The CultX promotional video used as an inspiration for the development of the social media competition campaign concept:
The 5 fine wine prizes that can be won, have a value of over £20,000 in total.
The 5 fine wine prizes that can be won, have a value of over £20,000 in total.

Given existing CultX brand identity elements: colour palette and font.
Given existing CultX brand identity elements: colour palette and font.

During the concept and revision stages of the campaign development, mock-ups were created in multiple formats to help with visualisation of the eventual output prior to rendering and delivering all rendered and individual format-optimised campaign assets.
During the concept and revision stages of the campaign development, mock-ups were created in multiple formats to help with visualisation of the eventual output prior to rendering and delivering all rendered and individual format-optimised campaign assets.
For each wine in the competition, multiple static and animated assets were delivered to the CultX social media team for use across various social channels and email.
Layered origination files were then supplied to the in-house CultX team for quick ad hoc modification, guaranteeing flexibility and ease of adjustment as the campaign progresses over the coming months.

Special formatting was required for Instagram Stories which rendered as 7 animated assets, 1 generic containing all 6 wines and 6 individual animations per wine. As the social media team add their own CTA buttons/stickers as is native to Instagram, space had to be allowed for this.
The general campaign Insta story:
We stitched the 6 individual wine assets together so that you can get a sense of the encompassing campaign concept in-use: