Culture Dynamics | Branding & Website Build
Culture Dynamics | Branding & Website Build
Problem: after an illustrious career as management consultants within a firm, it was time for Patricia & Lars to strike out on their own,The Swiss marketplace is very overcrowded, however these two have something special. We needed to create a dynamic brand (yes it is in the name), with a positioning point that was markedly different to the 'also has beens'.
Solution: A fully developed, professional and personal identity including a fully responsive website that does not present the client as a huge corporate or studio, but as an independent, highly qualified and diverse specialist in their field.
Highlights: Finally got to make a logo and brand identity from scratch - personifying the strong individuals at the helm, whist presenting a combined vision.
on-IDLE’s interpretation was as to create a symbol out of the two letters C & D. The clients eye lit up on the first presentation! The use of the infinity symbol as the a grounding of the brand worked. Unity and individuality all at once...
on-IDLE’s interpretation was as to create a symbol out of the two letters C & D. The clients eye lit up on the first presentation! The use of the infinity symbol as the a grounding of the brand worked. Unity and individuality all at once...

The Font Family Roboto works beautifully for the vision of a very minimalistic logotype in multiple formats.
The Font Family Roboto works beautifully for the vision of a very minimalistic logotype in multiple formats.

The Website – using the dynamic colour palette and animation where usefull.
The Website – using the dynamic colour palette and animation where usefull.

Mobile First – always our approach.
Mobile First – always our approach.

We made sure that all clien's Brand Touchpoints are taken care off.
We made sure that all clien's Brand Touchpoints are taken care off.

Oh.... never forget social - on brand, and pretty
Oh.... never forget social - on brand, and pretty
Of course we gave client templates....

In the wild: It is always so exciting when the client sends you a picture of the just received printed business cards – printed on 380 gm² Premium-Carton matt (FSC Mix)
In the wild: It is always so exciting when the client sends you a picture of the just received printed business cards – printed on 380 gm² Premium-Carton matt (FSC Mix)