David Crawford | Book Cover Design
David Crawford | Book Cover Design
Problem: David Crawford – an on-IDLE employee from the very early days (we're talking the year 2000!) – decided to write a novel during the Covid pandemic lockdown and was accepted and contracted by a publisher. He was not satisfied with the suggested covers presented and remembered his old colleagues and asked on-IDLE to design the book cover.
Solution: As it is a dream of every designer to create a book cover, we made it an internal studio competition and wanted to show David as many varieties of styles for him to select from. This in itself was a challenge as the cover has to appeal commercially to a complicated target audience of romance, life observation and technology (phishing / scamming).
Highlight: Getting to read the novel pre-publication! We are so proud of our client for choosing the bravest typographical and minimalist cover design. Result at the end of the post...

The Winner: Designed by Jade Innes. The typographical solution that hints at both romance and technology is very different to the typical flowery romance covers or mother boards and lime green or red fonts on technology book covers. It is a stand-out cover and will hopefully catch the eye of our browsers on the shelf in their local book store.