IFFO: The Marine Ingredients Organisation | Website design
Problem: IFFO’s previous website design was due a revamp visually and structurally to bring the organisation forward to members and outsiders alike. As IFFO members are predominantly based in English, Spanish and Chinese speaking countries, the website design had to consider additional languages and potentially low bandwidth.
Solution: In collaboration with the IFFO communications team and WebDevelopment Ltd, we designed a modern and clean website which featured a Knowledge Hub, Members Area and Blog. The design ties together IFFO's fresh visual identity that has been developed by on-IDLE through designing annual reports, yearbooks and infographics.
Highlight: Using Adobe XD share tools to present and hand-over the interactive prototyped design to third-party developers for the first time, and seeing the process working very efficiently.

Menu and sitemap
A restructured sitemap was also developed to aid the various audiences with differentiating knowledge in Marine Ingredients; such as members, experts and journalists. The flattening of the sitemap also enables the user to reach the content they want quicker, alongside with a menu design which is clear and also works on mobile devices.

In The Wild
In The Wild