MarinTrust | Benefits of a Standard Animation
MarinTrust | Benefits of a Standard Animation
Problem: MarinTrust sets the certification standards for the sourcing and production of marine ingredients and ensuring all stages are traceable. Feeding the growing global population will soon become even more challenging, but marine ingredients that are sustainably sourced can be a key to resolving this issue. MarinTrust came to on-IDLE to produce an animation to aid their communications strategy, which aims to explain the benefits of setting standards in the production of marine ingredients – particularly to those who do not work directly in the industry.
Solution: An animation using an illustration style that is suitable for the culturally diverse, worldwide audience. Working closely with MarinTrust at each stage, the final outputs included a full length version for their website, and two reduced versions for use on social media. Each output was produced in English and Spanish.
Highlight: The whole process of bringing two pages of text in a Word document and turning it into a clear and easy to follow animation!

Animations in-use on LinkedIn and the MarinTrust website

Reduced animations in Spanish
Reduced animations in Spanish